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tisdag 17 september 2013

En miljöpolitisk dikt-det går väl an?

En miljöpolitisk dikt- det går väl an?

Ref: Svenska Dagbladet/Brännpunkt:”Vi prioriterar klimat och skola”,Ti 17 sept-13,av Åsa Romson,Gustav Fridolin och Per Bolund


Författarna har skrivit en bra artikel,där de ifrågasätter den sittande regeringens politik och deras framtida planer att staka ut vägen till ännu en valvinst.Ävenom jag håller med i deras kritik-om den ensidiga tolkningen av vad bör göras för att förnya Sverige och skapa en framgångsrik,långsiktig,framtidsinriktad politik genom att prioritera ännu ett jobbskatteavdrag- är jag även tveksam på deras definition av miljöpolitik (grön sådan). Enligt mig är dessa talespersoners och ekonomipolitiska talespersons definition av de två centrala frågor (vad är kunskaps,vad är modern ekonomi) för smal,för visionslös,visande tro på de gängse perspektiv som man redan vet men kommer ej att lösa de andra stora frågeställningar som tas ej upp här.

För att skapa en möjlighet för förändring-men ej bara förändring utan förnyelse-väljer jag att svara denna gång med (bara) en dikt.Ett kanske ovanligt inlägg inför kommande val i september-14.

Den som är läskunnig kan säkert läsa flera bottnar i den?


av Lasse T. Laine


Jag väljer

tystnadens strategi-

kräv inte att jag

ska definiera den.

Ni kan ju inte läsa fritt.


Jag prioriterar

att överleva

att hålla mig tyst

att censurera mig själv

då ni vågar ej tänka,

ifrågasättande kunskap.

Kort sagt

vara tyst.


Vinn ni era val

definiera era traditionsbundna


grundad på gammalt


och dess gamla kunskaper.

Verkligheten kulkastar dessa ändå

då det är något mer


Kunskap är även ifrågasättande

att fråga om vårt val av perspektiv

smalar in verkligheten,

minskar våra möjligheter

att växa

som människor och som


Såväl i Sverige som annorstädes


Om ni ändå

kräver mig svar,

konkreta alternativ,

då säger jag

Ja,jag svarar,definierar

men ej på ensidiga villkor

Är dessa era villkor

för en ny politik?

Att läsa,utan att läsa fritt

att kommentera

det som är värt i era ögon

värden definierade med



Säg inte att

jag är maktstörtande

att jag är ute efter makt.

Den vill jag inte,

att skapa nytt

räcker för mig

om jag fick göra det

med människovärde,

med påverkansmöjligheter,

såsom de alla andra.


Tyvärr är er och era

partiers politik

ej verklighetsenlig

eller grundad på fritt sökande

så jag väljer

att vara tyst

och välja den mer omfattande

verklighetens sida


Är detta skriven med

ren svenska,

med examensbetyg?

Välj du att förminska

mina bidrag till lagom


eller i yttersta fall

försöka tysta ned,

hota till underkastelse,

gripa till social,ekonomisk

existentiell våld

Det är ju det språk och

talesvillkor som ni

känner så väl

och behärskar?


Vi ses en annan gång-


Copyright © 2013 Lasse T. Laine,Vidorg F:a . All rights reserved

torsdag 5 september 2013

Work ahead Mr. President

Work ahead Mr. President

Ref. My former blog articles and especially those-written lately- about the vision on change


I had yesterday a hurry day. Writing my blogarticle in time,send it to the Net,Twitter about the message and pingle it to the media-,political-,business- and cultural market and -not forgetting the local and potentially the global readers of mine-pointing to the latest blog article at my Facebookpage.

Hopefully you,Mr. President,had time to read it?

After sending the article read it and found both some erroneous sentences and a missing bit. I had analysed Mrs. Romsons and your perspectives with 4 boxes,but missed my own,4th one. I this ending article of this series- Mr. President visiting Sweden in September 2013- I ll fulfill my job as I see it. By creating new,unique synthesis give my readers new visions,perspectives and possibly tools to join the big work for us all to do: the change work. As noted by Mrs. Romson and even lifted up by yourself Mr. president-the climate work.

In difference to the common practices of analyzing the problem by gathering knowledges,pinpointing trends and the structure of processes- as for the climate problem the accumulating amount of poisonous carbon dioxide- and the fear of resulting negative change on the system level- destroyed atmosphere for us all on the globe,rich and poor,with political might or not-the perspective of Mrs. Romson,I ll use the synthetic way. Going inward out and from most pervasive outer box inwards again,synthesizing the perspectives of both you Mr. president and the Swedish political person Mrs. Romson,but with a different kind of end result on the system level,due to the broader ground of the work- the new paradigm of science.

My missed fourth box was the resulting cultural box. Please,continue reading.

Evolution ahead

The nowadays evolution theory evolved itself during many centuries. Step by step,by new perspectives,by new theories,perspective shifts and new methods of gathering empirical data. Darwin's great synthesis about the evolution theory based on physical data has been debated by philosophers,admired by scientists and debated by the people in media,churches and at the kitchen bord. Possibly even on the dinner evenings by important leaders,with some nuts and a glass of cognac. The nowadays DNA-theory and chemistry are continued these perspectives in defining the evolution by finding physical pieces of data to describe further the evolutionary processes.

For me-as a student in philosophy,searching the truth about the reality,the basic work of the science-the anomalous data in parapsychology-both the empirical one,done in laboratories and the spontaneous experiences which seemed to show an invariant structure,giving same kind of results in spite of differences between people experiencing-whether gender,social-economical status,age,religious attitudes and beliefs or ethnical backgrounds-were both the problem and the material for change. The anomalous data gathered-and even experienced myself- questioned the basic knowledges of the philosophy and sciences about the reality,time,space,view of ourselves.

The problem of parapsychology was and is how to find new theories to interpret the gathered data or knowledges to new theories which could be tested in laboratories by inter subjectivity,by multitude of scientists,in different parts of the world and nations. The search for new theories could in principle be done by trying to “reduce” the data to the theories of nowadays sciences-as fe. By electro-chemical processes in brain-or take a leap to the unknown,the realm of non-physical level of reality as the methods and tools used (fe. Faraday case) showed that there was a need of ultimately different kind of theories in able to being explaining the unexplained data. For me,I found a way to go round these difficulties: firstly by taking a historical way to analyse the ground of our nowadays sciences in philosophy and then-if finding a new way using it first as a hypothesis for presenting new theories.

As a student I was young,eager to find truth,make my own way or career if you like to have that perspective. As a foreigner in the major society of Sweden I was lifted aside. As I referred above,my social situation resembled the social status of Jews in Europe,giving a creative impetus but being social-economically difficult. In my own studies beside taking freely university courses in philosophy and working during week ends,Christmas time or summer vacations,I created the grounding ideas for the new paradigm. For not making this blog too long,I point to the end result-presented in my own series Moments of Oneness and student papers- as a kind of cultural evolution.

Later-during my own reading in history of biology-I found that cultural evolution is discussed as a new form of evolution,by scientists too,not only philosophers,who are trained in analyzing our arguments,theories,logical grounds for our knowledges or grounds for our societies and behaviors in ethics and political acts.

The new box of culture

Both the historical data and social-political sciences show how the USA and Russia have gone through periods of change. In the west the local folks of Indians were conquered and marginalized by the new folks,coming from Europe. In the east the ethnic group of Russian people ended up in power,laying down the neighboring areas under their power. In Syria the quarreling concerns which group of ethnic people or with which religious beliefs will have the last word and end in the political power. As it is theoretically wrong to analyze different societies with different historical and cultural traditions by the same analyses,it is right that philosophically these different societies use the same kind of philosophical ground for their beliefs,practices and social-political plans.

The common world is grounded on that philosophy which I found to be too narrow. By my work-as a kind of “Avatar of Synthesis”- the change could be done to the new world,by having the courage to try the new axiomatics first as a hypothesis,and then-if finding that it works in giving us new tools,perspectives,methods,theories,sciences to find new solutions to the old problems as “proved”.The axioms-basic beliefs about the kind and structure of reality in the ontology in philosophy cannot be proved-they must only be taken by belief and work with it.

Before you Mr. presidnet leave the Sweden and fly to Russia try some thoughts of the new philosophy. By having perspectives of Oneness (of our world),continuity (of your own work),evolution (having in mind how evolution has gone through in both your own culture and society and the nation of Russians and Syria),hopefully you and president Putin will find a way forward. In solving fe. The common problem of climate chance,but even the political “nut” of Syria. If you and Mr. Putin find each other,I am sure that we (the Avatar of Synthesis included as a kind of consultant,maybe with a mother company in USA?) could go further and find new ways ahead how to make openings for a new political coalitions (USA,Russia,China,possibly even with EU) in solving the common problems,whether political,economic,social. The new cultural box,by the new view of man,living in a factually many-dimensional reality could be the common base for our work ahead.

The gift of people from Sweden and Finland

During my studies at the marxistically influenced faculty of social anthropology at the university of Uppsala,I read how hight chiefs in the natural societies gave gifts to their people. Even if I have no interest of defining myself as a chief,I ll give you Mr. president some kind of gift too.

You have deep economical problems in your nation and society in USA. Whatabout using my new M.O. (Management Option) derivate instrument by opening Vidorg's Exchange of M.O. 's in USA? A new kind of exchange,with totally new kind of instrument of both making money and solving the economical problems or allocating money for both new projects and companies and for people themselves? I have in mind a new business opportunity of State Deficit Reversal Options (SDRO).

By selling them-after starting successful reforms-threefold secured- the state could finance the continuity of reforms and by that have success in solving the economical-political and ecological problems of your nation. In having trust in your administration and societal building,together with work done internationally in a new way above,the change could be done through,both for you and me and the people of the world. Believe in the science-the accumulating way of doing work-syncronized with the international,political work of you and your staff,by power of love,thinking,kind words but even the courage to take the leap to the new. In the same way the nation of yours was find by us europeans. Now it is your turn to come back,embrace us,but come back with new influences,new perspective,new knowledges and political insights. Welcome back to see us again,maybe in Finland?


Lasse T. Laine

philosopher – social scientist,entrepreneur in company Vidorg et.alt.companies


onsdag 4 september 2013

Some nuts with the after dinner cognac Mr. President

Some nuts with the after dinner cognac Mr. President

or Welcome to the country of Sweden and northern democracies with living alternative thinkers and critical media

Ref. DN/Debatt: ”Visa ledarskap i ödesfrågan om klimatet,Barack Obama”,Ons 4 sep-13,av Åsa Romson (doktor i internationell miljörätt och språkrör för Miljöpartiet de gröna)

DN/Helsidan/Judendom:”Så blev judarna Europas sammanhållande kraft”,Sö 1 sep-13,av Jackie Jakubowski

SvD/Under strecket: ”Obama vann med hjälp av Big data”,Ons 4 sep-13,av Anders Carlsson (skribent)


Welcome to Sweden- the land of Northern democracies,allies in spirit and criticism of friends. Hopefully you have time to read this,before the evening dinner with the invited Northern colleagues or leaders. I hope this short article or a kind of creative evaluation of media articles,political strategy notice and forward pointing action plan gives you some help in your discussions with the important guests in this evening,called together by your Sweden host,prime minister Fredric Reinfeldt.

One of the big problems to discuss

Åsa Romson,a ph.dr and one of the political leaders or ”vote gathering persons” (a little difficult to translate exactly,as lobbying is not enough and leadership is collective in the Swedish party of Greens) has written an interesting article (in Swedish) above where she articulates one of the most important subjects for the discussions with both Mr. Reinfeld and the other important leaders in the evening.

I'll make your reading a little bit easier by concentrating her excellent discussions to a shorter synopsis,with the help of a scientific practice. By writing about problem formulation,thesis or critical evaluation of work done,three points to the common target in the coming,needed politics and three central questions how to the visioned political work could be done. After the short referrals below Ill make some kind of criticism of her,and leave my own proposals which are both synthetical,broader and-according to me- understands the situation of yours,the dinnerguests and hostś duties and possibilities a quite differently but at the same time underlining the central message of yours.

- problem formulation: Mrs. Romson sees the climate problem-caused by the accumulating amount of goaldioxinef global politics to revert the process-as one of the most important questions for the discussions

- She makes a critical evaluation of the situation of both done political work-locally in various countries (by this she means both USA and Sweden) and globally- and by the business world,and summaries: the change for the lower level of carbon dioxide and other poisonous gases to the common atmosphere by utilizing the new ways of reaping energy from goal,the inbound oil in rockies or others ways are not enough as the end result of usage of these new forms are still too high to revert the climate change

- she puts forward 3 target descriptions which should dictate the coming,political work whether in USA or Sweden or other countries in order to match the problem:

firstly the rich countries should diminish their own outputs of negative carbon dixide without at the same time diminishing the financial help to the poorer ones who needs money to make the leap directly to the newest technology which costs a lot.

Secondly specially USA and Sweden,having both money,knowledges and interest should show the way to the other countries and by that make the political work both quicker and more effective.Itś time to act now,before the window is closed,if using the language of economists so to say.

Thirdly the rich countries-and specially USA and Sweden,leading the change to the new technologies,would do needed investments without waiting that others are doing the same. No sine qua non- here among the rich ones.

- The three central questions how to solve the needed process-as a kind of concrete points in the schedule- are filling the climate fund of UN by new money-and quickly. Especially the rich countries have a greater responsibility here than the poorer ones which are still building up the needed,effective production systems,social and legal infrastructures etc. Secondly the countries should have legally binding norms about the levels of carbon dioxide outputs. Thirdly,the work from research and development should be noted and prioritized too,together with business life making new transportation systems or effecting the existent ones by new tariffs etc. All these central questions or focuses should have the common target of making the energy systems totally renew oriented,without usage of fossil energy,in different forms.

Perspectives of change-boxes to work from

I'll use in my critical evaluation of her article both perspective seeing-and evaluation of itś ground visa-vi her and your position Mr. President- together with the usage of system theory perspective and my own synthetic,unique perspective uniting the different sectors of society with are commonly separated: science,political work,business life and cultural work. Shortly by writing a short note or alternative action plan from the point of Avatar of Synthesis. As an alternative thinker,critical towards the Swedish officials of both taxing bureau and law institutions which have stolen so far the made investments in my company work by the shortage of perspectives,dictated by politicians,or by shortage of vision,knowledges or other hindrances, Iĺl write down my action plan with sine qua non-as a kind of gesture to you Mr. President and your country (I write later why I do it).

Doctor Romsonś perspective could be evaluated by the box analyses. She begins by making the climate question the first one and moves then outwards from it to the next one,poverty questions (fe. Shortage of clean water,mono type of ecological niches,unequality in societies etc. lifted up the greens even if not mentioned here where she is talking a a general level of analysis in her interest to catch the main points),political box with her discussion of different conditions and prioritarizations for rich and poorer countries,and lastly to the cultural one: a vision of clean energy society. In her definition of these boxes and the shifting of priorities to a higher and higher level,she is naturally bounded or grounded in both her social position as one of the two leading ”vote gathering- persons in the party of Greens in Sweden,but even by her doctoral knowledges and her personal drive.

According to me-if I have understood right-your boxes Mr. President are different and prioritized differently. This is quite understandable due to your position as the president of the leading nation in the world,USA. By having a different kind of history,natural resources,societal values or priorities which are even coloring the political work in your country,the boxes could maybe be analyzed in this way.

- The innermost box just now in USA-with the highest priority for you Mr. President is the economy of the USA (state budget deficit, etc).

- Second box,working outward which makes the innerbox work most prioritized and should be solved before being able to match the second etc. ones,is poverty: how to diminish unemployment in your country.

- Third box could be political: how to make the needed work politically successful without ineffective work or slowness in needed change work or by dividing the nation in hostility camps (as are done in outmost way in Syria just now by ethnical or religious grounds).

- Fourthly how to make stability in world such a kind that differences in political systems or evolutional levels in various democracies are not blogging the common work done: here the climate work. In all these definitions and priorities of box analyses your social platform is the power of the president,even if your values,knowledges and acquired experiences in your former career make a ground,together with the word of your love ones,staff expertises,allied institutions etc.

What about the box of a Swedish-Finnish alternative thinker

With a background of childhood,schooling period and work period in the Finnish society,before moving to Sweden in august-69 as a guest student and working and studying,building family here etc. I have a kind of double perspective to living here. With even outer experiences you do not evaluate yourself with the major peoples socialized perspectives and definitions. According to the writer Jackie Jakubowski this was exactly the situation of jews in Europe,so in a way I am a jew in spirit too by feeling the double perspective: both feeling home everywhere and-at the same time- a foreigner everywhere. Maybe that is a good condition for creative work but that is not a easy one.

So how could I define my boxes to both the climate question and by making a helping hand for your difficult work Mr. President which is both stressed with time,changing political tactics due to the changes in the world which you should match as a president of USA trying to stabilize the change so that it would solve the problems for both your country and the world where your nation has the highest power.

- My innermost box would be science. By change of its ground to a broader one we could see the climate work even many-dimensionally. Our basic view of the reality and man have a philosophical ground according to me in the traditional paradigm of science which is taken axiomatically true,due to our experiences and selected empirical data. In a way this is nothing new to you Mr. President. Here I refer to the article where a writer Anders Carlsson describes how your ”voting machine” gathered sympathies and hearth questions by big data kind of analyses on the net and otherwise by observing people when doing the political door knocking etc. This box or paradigm change makes these kinds of soft data science,giving impulses for a new economy and ecology theories etc.

- The second box,the political box/work could the be easier. I have myself pointed a way to the Swedish sister party Social democrats how the basic value of the party could be argued for by even these new scientific arguments,deduced from the new paradigm causing thus the needed empowerment of people for the change,the leading vision of your work.

- The third box would be natural for the more vitalized people: emphasize of the common interest for all (see the feelings of jews above but with the change: home for all,on positive conditions,living not apart but together with all) and by that create the momentum for the economy many-dimensional.

Lifting the world by encouraging the new shift

I have in my academic student papers (as an alternative thinker in the scientific world being stopped on that level,even in Sweden) described the paradigm change as a kind of quantum leap-either we make or take it or not. How could I describe now the path which your administration could take in synthesizing the boxes analyses above: doctor Romsonś,yours and mine. I could use in this the system theory perspective and my new,many-dimensional ecology theory,abstracted in one of my unpublished student papers in social anthropology studies at the university of Uppsala. Open the inner box of science. Make the message of the new paradigm public instead of meeting it with silence.

Maybe you are doing it Mr. President -indirectly as I wrote in my former blog by visiting the former alternative thinker of Sweden and his gravemonument. Take a courage and ask your host and dining friends: what are you doing here to get the new paradigm through? In my former blog I hinted a political step to solve the current crises in Syria by making allies in the regional level in a new kind of solution which could solve the old hostility with Israel and Palestina. By a win-win solution,by referring to a USA coin. This and new kind of solutions for fe. You H.C.-exchanges with the help of my new M-O- derivate instrument,Climate exchanges too in that way,a new form for global tax reforms and World bank aid-loans etc. would make the economic path to the new boom possible. It is a question of mission,by vision,knowledges,own experiences which have given me courage to believe in my work as a Avatar of Synthesis. By writing these lines I hope I have given some of it to you and your allied friends in this evening.

I hope you see my kind notes not as nuts,but as a suggestion for a new,creative kind of agenda.


Lasse T. Laine

philosopher – social scientist,entrepreneur in company Vidorg et.alt.companies


söndag 1 september 2013

Poker play or ethical handling in the Syrian conflict

Poker play or ethical handling -

Or what could be interpreted in the political actions of the central states and a NGO- company in their handling of the case: usage of chemical weapons in Syria in July-13

Ref: SvD/Brännpunkt: Militärt hot kan vara spel,Sö 1 sept-13,av Per Jönsson


In my former blog article above- “The longterm interest – my proposal for the Obama-meeting”- I wrote down an alternative thinkerś totally different kind of plan how to handle the crises in Syria. Instead of military solution- as planned by the high chiefs of the most powerful state in the world,that is in USA- a civil and regional solution. A solution which could even possibly give new perspectives how to solve the longterm,central conflict between Israel and Palestina. By joining the interests of the whole region in this new kind of master plan for peace,even the Syrian refugees could be involved and- by the long run- diminish the power base of the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad,left alone by both his people and the allies.

The political bargaining in the Syrian conflict has gone high. President Obama has started the military process by giving his commander-in chief-orders to gather the battleships near Syria or being at the appropriate distance to launch a missile actack as a kind of punishment for the usage of chemical weapons against civilian people in Syria. According to media he waits the votes of congress before pushing the button for this minor action,as it could be seen from the military side. Internationally the political maneuvering of the smart president- as he is described in the referred article in one of the main newspapers in Sweden by a internationally oriented researcher and journalist Per Jönsson- has resulted as a minor action too. Allies- Great Britain,France,NATO-countries have a wait and see-kind of hesitation. They will have clear evidence that the al-Assad regime has ordered and used the chemical weapons against their own people-both civil war fighters and civilians- before giving their votes for the military action above. Russia and China seem to have another kind of wait and see plan: instead of being humiliated by USA- the definer of the action plan for the global conditions for peace and democracies- they see a chance to possibly humiliate the strongest nation by lifting the case to the voting in UN. If security council cannot solve the riddle,maybe the majority of the nations non-vote could do the job and thereby even lift the political and ethical burden from them which opposed the unitary action for the UN-statues for human rights and international laws.

In this situation the referred writer above-Per Jönsson- presents a kind of hypothesis. The proposed military punishment action from USA- being nearer media action so far than real politics- could be interpreted as a kind of poker game or gamble. By gathering the battleships near Syria the Syrian president could maybe be persuaded to give up the chemical weapons to UN? Could this be the tactics of the smart president Obama?

Another kinds of hypothesis

What about Vidorg's package? Per Jönssonś journalist radar has not catched my blog article above and its unique proposal to the greater regional package for peace. Suppose that he-and the Swedish-Finnish media is awakened by president Obamas planned visit of the former Swedish “alternative thinker” Roul Wallenbergś grave monument in Stockholm during his visit. Has the media interpreted right the president here? As he could not yet visit the living ones grave- or slash the regimen and high society people of both Sweden and Finland by giving an short chatting pause with the living alternative thinker (me) which is totally ignored by both media,political and scientific world here or partially by the business,he visits the grave of the former one and hopes to wake the consciousness of people here too? Is this kind of hypothesis a political one too?

Repetition is the mother of learning

Take a kind of meta-hypothesis now: what kind of figure is this person writing here? A lunatic? A lone ranger? Commander-in chief-in the future USA or coming from outer worlds-an alien? Meta-motivated,sincere,mentally focused people like the modern youth,globally,using Internet for acting for the common world as the financial,political and legal actions of the high status politicians are too narrow or slow moved? As a modern writer too,I leave the answer or interpretation to do to my readers.

What about the Vidorg package?

In my former blog article I wrote down some notes for my alternative package for the case Syria and the regional solution. Even about the conditions: getting a USA-passport and a sum of money in able to start my business in USA (as the Swedish “market” and societal conditions are strongly opposed to such or making the success conditions inhuman-give up your integrity or die). In former blog articles above I have presented some notes about the larger “Vidorg package” which is behind my hypothetical peace work.

- about reforming the Swedish hospital system in my SINUS-project 1990-2012 including my proposals for the new model of society with the Partially Market Directed Public Sector model in order to manage the older people boom in future

- the social planning model of NMEP- a kind of positive economical spiral backed by the new economical and ecological theories (presented in student papers as the path for higher studies blocked by the ethnically right people or people with right status)

- proposing reformation of EU-financial solutions: reform of Euro-the common monetary unit which theoretical base is according to me too simple by not considering the different situations of the member states and thereby the payments for the common funds on the right way

- reforming the ideological base of the local and global labor parties Social democrats which see the reformation way in politics as a right one instead of either revolutions or power politics,or dictatorial ways of handling the neighbors in negative reciprocity way

- giving proposal to reform World Bank or IMF by a new kind of economical developmental loans

Behind these various economical-political-cultural proposals for a new prosperity or boom is the vision of the company Vidorg: “integration in the wide meaning of the word”, grounded in the new,broader paradigm of science,which includes the nowadays one as a part,but handles about more-about many-dimensional empirical results.

Itś quite possible that the hight leaders have not themselves these kinds of personal experiences. As persons who have both right and might to pay salaries for persons who are educated in the new sciences which contain a germ or seed to the new paradigm,they could afford to pay the minor sum for Vidorg in order to settle the status-question: who to listen,who to believe. Say 50 million dollars-5 years salary pay for CEO in the ordinary,successful company in USA.

Poker game or ethics as a base for peace work

I have personally no interest to play poker or buy even a lottery-ticket. I believe in ethical considering in international politics,in positive reciprocity which in USA reads “win-win” deals and a possibility to make a social lift,without ethnical considerations,by work and fair play. By applauding the visit of president Obama in Sweden I consider him as a smart,positively thinking politician who is not interested to play poker plays neither in his own country or globally. Neither I- “Avatar of Synthesis” as I define myself by my vision and meaning of my work,done during the nearly 40 years in Sweden,as a kind of guest worker,lifted apart from home.

Lasse T. Laine

philosopher-social scientist,entrepreneur in Think tank Vidorg companies
